Mozilla’s new lossless JPEG compression

I was quite impressed with Mozillas new jpegtran in mozjpeg. It crushed a 2.2GB photo shoot down to 1.4GB, a bit smaller than the 1.5GB achieved by jpegoptim. So I thought I’d try to make it drop-dead simple to play with. My Online Demo If you wanted to losslessly recompress an entire directory you could …
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Viking Rise Hauler and Troop Effectiveness

There was a discussion in my tribe as to the effectiveness of Haulers in PvE. It was suggested that I not take Haulers on tribe rallies. I noted that Viking Rise seems to automatically pick higher level haulers over lower level combat troops for combat missions. I didn’t find this conclusive however, so I investigated …
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Announcing GenghisCon 2023 – Tickets Now Available!

I am treasurer of GenghisCon again. This non-profit convention is designed to be affordable, both in the sense of low ticket prices, and the activities are mostly free (buying stuff from one of the traders tables costs money, but that isn’t the focus of the convention). We are pleased to announce that GenghisCon 2023 will …
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